Carpe Diem: Making the Most of Every Moment

Carpe Diem = Latin for Seize the Moment!
Maxbps = Maximum ME, Maximum Bits Per Second, My car, Maximum Basis Points, Maximum from/of MY Life!

Making the most of and figuring my life out one paragraph at a time!

Monday, June 30, 2008

The July Challenge

i have recently come up w/ an idea to issue challenges to myself and allow others to join me.

The very first challenge is this: For the month of July (starting now, though - Monday, June 30th), we have to exercise at least 30 minutes per day.

This exercise can consist of cutting one's grass, gardening, walking, whatever physical exertion you choose as long as lasts at least twenty minutes. (Sex does not count for this one.)

And exercising for one hour on Monday, for example, does not absolve us from another 30 minutes on Tuesday; so no accumulation of exercise time.

Feel to leave comments on this challenge, how you do w/ it, encourage me and/or others, etc... in the comments section.

Good Luck!

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