Carpe Diem: Making the Most of Every Moment

Carpe Diem = Latin for Seize the Moment!
Maxbps = Maximum ME, Maximum Bits Per Second, My car, Maximum Basis Points, Maximum from/of MY Life!

Making the most of and figuring my life out one paragraph at a time!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

facebook...What a WILD Thing!!

Well, i have been on facebook now for less than a month and have reconnected with at least three friends from my past. One of which is my very first girlfriend. After exchanging facebook emails (as i call them) we were both on facebook at the same time the other night and decided to chat live...via that old-fashioned contraption called a telephone!

It was late so we did not chat long but we did decide to meet up for dinner this coming Monday (July 27th?).

Then one of my high school friends responded to another thread of fb emails and we are going to shoot for getting together for lunch sometime soon.

Then a third friend and i will, hopefully, do the same. And these are just the ones i am meeting with; there have been others that i would never have been able to re-connect with if it weren't for facebook!

This facebook is the best internet-invention since email!! If you are not already, get on facebook. It will improve your life by reconnecting you to old friends!

Also, keep an eye out for an upcoming post about my recent 'requestioning' of my faith, my religion, and God as well as my latest obsession: the debate about Intelligent Design and evolution. Should be a good one!


Monday, July 21, 2008

LESS Maxbps

i am getting there...slowly but surely.

After six and a half months of running i finally turned my ankle this past Tuesday about 1 1/4 miles into a 7.5 mile run. The coach assured me i would not do it anymore harm by running on it. i have turned it so many times in my days of playing basketball, softball, volleyball, etc... that i do not think i have any ligaments nor tendons left to damage anyway. So...i finished the 7.5 mile run; albeit about 2hrs later.

This past Saturday - July 18th, after my tennis match i weighed in at 209.0 which is the lowest i have been in years; maybe five years. So my goal now is to get to 205.0 by August 1st.

My eating habits are getting better and better though i still have to fight-off the fast-food cravings but that is getting easier and easier to do (he says after polishing off a Big Mac Meal).

Anyway, i have an 8 mile run tomorrow night w/ my running group and am getting the desire to run on my own so i will likely do so Thurs or Fri night.

Enjoy your week/end!

Shark Bites: Getting Bigger

Sharky is doing great. She is getting bigger - taller not necessarily heavier.

She seems to be going through a second childhood already as lately she goes into rooms and approaches items she is familiar w/ in a way that suggests she is seeing it for the very first time.

She also has cat-fits where she will tear-off around the living room as if she is both chasing something and as if something is chasing her. She will stop for a few seconds then...BAM...she is off again like bat atta hell.

i pet her everyday...whether she likes or not...most days not.

Her favorite toy is a shoestring. Oh, and pulling up the corners of the carpet on any given step on the stairs.

i am trying to train her to jump higher and higher. Our goal is to get her into the Cat-O-lympics in the high jump category both standing jump and three step jump.


Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Happy 4th of July Everyone!

Happy 4th of July E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E!!!
Not just Americans as this is the birth of democracy, of freedom, of the dream that is now reality for billions of people all over the world!

The 4th of July has long been a reason for celebration in the Storn-Scheidt family for about 70 years, possibly eighty+. About 75 of us gather each year at the Storn-family pharm in southern-Northern KentuckY. (Pharm b/c my grandparents were both pharmacists.)We visit, chat, talk, debate, discuss, share stories; play games like cornhole, horse-shoes, volleyball - though we have not played vball in years, ever since the under-30's started beating the over 30's over a decade ago; we eat all kinds of foods including KentuckY fried chicken, watermellon, home potato and pasta salads, as well as homemade desserts.We also, of course, celebrate with fireworks...lots of them. Our family tradition is that all the kids, young and not-so-young, get their own bag of fireworks. The simple rule is: If you want a bag, you get a bag...regardless of age. (Kids' bags go to their parents for supervision purposes.)

In all our years of celebrating w/ fireworks it has been nearly 25-years since i can remember even a semi-serious accident. In the afternoon we gather all the young kids (age 2 - 12), and shoot up parachutes that the kids race to get. The taller/older kids usually get them first, of course, but we always have enough for everyone; including the 'older' kids that often continue their childhoods in this race for a parachute.

In the late afternoon, just as the sun starts its fall, we break-out the sparklers, fun-works like tanks, frogs, hens, etc..., and other fun-works like pagodas. This is again focused on the kids but all enjoy it; if not holding a sparkler themself, watching the kids as they enjoy the fun.Then the night comes!

Our family fireworks show has been described by some as the best private fireworks display in America! I dunno about that but we do one heck of a job starting w/ the stewardship of purchasing the fireworks. My dad has been the de facto fireworks leader for forty years and has done a fantastic job of finding the best, most affordable fireworks in the tri-states. We annually analyze the fireworks themselves and rate our own so as to further get the most from our firework finances.

When it comes to The Show we have grown from designed sets (groupings of fireworks shot off together by 'lighters') to 'wired' boards where those fireworks (cakes and towers) were designed then duct-taped or screwed on to 2"x8"'s and/or plywood pieces as big as 4'x8'. The wick would then be lit from either one, two, or three locations then burn to the cakes or towers setting off a designed display. This, however, took quite a bit of time. Lately we have gone 'old-school'; back to having a leader design the sets and send lighters up to orchestrat the set by lighting all of the pieces at the same time so a large display would go off together.

Our original night-works display area included everything: cakes, towers, rockets, and mortars. (Descriptions of what these 'type' of fireworks are is below.)For years we used an old door set on wooden-horses for the low fireworks then board stretched b/n two ladders as the higher display. Some years back on a great idea from my cousin Joe, we decided to section off the mortar fire but still coordinate the show. Last year we expanded this concept to include a new section where the rockets are shot. With this complexity we are experimenting w/ how to still coordinate all three locations to produce a coordinated show for our audience.

After twenty years of leading the fireworks display, i have turned over the reigns to my cousins Erin, who just graduated from Presbyterian College in S.C., and Jayne, who is an oncology nurse at Christ Hospital. They had a great start and, i am sure, will continue to design great fireworks shows for years to come despite the added complexities of the multi-locational groups.

Cakes - are the fireworks that look like large birthday candles taped together and shoot low displays.Towers - are the ones that stand on a base and shoot up high before going off.Mortars - are tubes that have multiple balls that are dropped into the tubes then lit; then repeated. These often go higher than the towers.Rockets - self-described but these are bigger ones that often go even higher than the mortars.

Here is a short 10 minute tribute to one of the world's greatest leaders of freedom and the American way and perfect way to say "Thank You!":

And here is another often missed example of freedom from the same man: